Mentor Program Guidelines

Risk Management and Insurance Mentor Program Guidelines


The program's objective is to prepare risk management students and professionals to become future business leaders by linking them with senior risk management and insurance mentors who have taken that path and are committed to sharing their knowledge.

 Student Mentee Qualifications and Responsibilities:

  • The program is open to junior and senior risk management majors in good academic standing, with specific interest in risk management, insurance brokerage or underwriting. 
  • The program is also open to any Professional in the insurance industry interested in being mentored.
  • Commit to a minimum of 2 hours per month for initial 6-month term. 
  • Student will submit brief report on Mentee Activities to faculty advisor at end of 6-month term. 
  • Able to commute to Atlanta metro area.
  • Make initial contact with your assigned mentor.

Mentor Qualifications and Responsibilities:

  • Any risk management and insurance professional with a minimum of 5 years experience. 
  • Consider yourself a good teacher. 
  • Support at least one Mentee (could have more if you wish to dedicate the time). 
  • Commit to a minimum of 2 hours per month per Mentee for initial 6-month term. 
  • Agree to submit brief report on Mentor Activities to RIMS/CPCU at end of 6-month term.

Relationship Parameters:

  • Either party can terminate the relationship at any time. 
  • Appropriate, professional behavior is expected and required. 
  • Accountability is a must; keep your promise and meet your commitments. 
  • The relationship is based on trust and confidentiality.

Sample Activities:

  • Breakfast/lunch/dinner meetings 
  • Internal/external business meetings with other members of the mentor's company 
  • Corporate tours 
  • Corporate social events such as company picnics; annual parties 
  • Involvement in corporate civic/volunteer programs 
  • Professional seminars; industry meetings 
  • Mock interviews 
  • Incorporating the mentor in class projects 
  • Resume review 
  • Structured activity as part of formal RIMS or CPCU functions

 Enrollment/Matching Mentor-to-Mentee:

  • Self-identification of Mentor via RIMS or CPCU 
  • Self-identification of Student Mentee to faculty advisor 
  • Self-identification of Professional Mentee via RIMS
  • Faculty advisor matches of Student Mentee to Mentor 
  • RIMS Mentor Program Committee matches of Professional Mentee to Mentor
  • Long range: Online registration via University/RIMS/CPCU website

Time Commitment:

Two hours per month for initial 6-month term

Quality Assurance/Results/Utilization:

Mentor/Mentee survey

Participant feedback.